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Bingo in the UK: Facts & Figures

Βαθμολόγησε αυτό το Άρθρο Bingo is a big deal in the UK. Just how popular is it though? Let's take a look at some facts and figures.
Παιχνίδια Μπίνγκο στο Διαδίκτυο - Bingo in the UK: Facts & Figures

The UK has a great affinity for bingo since the time it was legalized back in the 1960s due to the Gambling Act. It has been a part of the population throughout the First World War.

Revival after a Downfall

Bingo stood at a very consistent rank at the top throughout four decades as a favourite pastime of UK citizens. In the year 1963, almost 14 million punters participated as a player of bingo, and from that time being, the popularity only experienced a downfall. The reason behind the bingo industry going through a phase of declination is because its inability to adapt to the necessary change. But the change of time changes the needs of customers as well as the entire fashion of demographics. Yet the bingo industry tried to stick to primitive ways of pulling off the business.

Recently the UK punters have seen a rise in popularity of the non GamStop bingo games popping up with new features, especially as CasinoGap bingo rooms start accepting excluded GamStop players. This gave this industry boost from 1.5 million in the mid-2000 to a hyped number of 3.5 million in current years. The adaptation of the Internet into the regular traditional bingo game was considered as one of the steps for the revival of bingo in the UK.

The Advent of the Internet replacing Traditional Model

The Internet opened the door for bingo to a global market. Traditionally done advertisements are still relevant but instead, the addition of new ways of the advertisement using affiliate links has resulted in a hike in profit for the same industry. Additionally, collaboration with specific bingo sites that are already popular among players made traditional bingo pave its way towards the lost popularity. This helped bingo create a huge reach which was instead not possible. In the mid-2000s when the industry faced a hit, regular media advertisements focusing on primitive media like radio, television featuring celebrity endorsements grew popular. This was to portray the game in a new light which was generally considered for pensioners. The rebranding was an unnecessary step.

Whereas the game changer was the on-the-go facility for playing bingo that is a huge collection of high-performance apps that are available in any play store which opens up a way to access bingo right after a click. Due to the ease of access ability Internet bingo is now a household name also popular among the youth reclaiming its name from being an oldies’ game. Previously, UK citizens have witnessed the closing down of numerous bingo halls that were once part of a local community. The current generation prefers sticking to their mobile devices instead of attending bingo halls. The current surge in bingo players in the UK is a byproduct of the shift of the hub of bingo being from bingo establishments to online bingo.

Statistical Reports

Right at this moment, more than 3 million people are engaging in bingo games in the UK almost regularly. Four out of five players of bingo are women who belong to the category of 30 to 50 years of age among whom most are usually home dwellers. The recent modernization of traditional bingo by ushering the online factor has resulted in a rise of youth trying to engage in this game. 62% of the Bingo players online belong to the under 45 categories. Around 20% of the Bingo players of the online market consists of players from the age of 18 to 24.

The Massive Impact of Smartphone

Analysts in the year 2011 gave their verdict on how relevant the time is for mobile gambling. The reports said almost 77% of all gambling activities were taking place on mobile devices. The advent of 4G networks in the UK teaming up with all over the improvement of technology is the reason behind the growth of the online bingo industry in the UK.


The bingo games in the UK were hitting rock bottom when the technological up-gradation pulled it out and helped it to reclaim the lost status of bingo in the UK. The stats are already giving away the popularity of the game across all age groups and genders. Moreover, it is to be mentioned that bingo lovers are least likely to suffer from addictive tendencies and hence opt for GamStop protection.

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